Temporomandibular dysfunction is a general term that encompasses clinical symptoms involving the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joint and related structures; These can be presented individually or in combination. The most common joint pathologies can be...
¿Qué es la fisioterapia?

¿Qué es la fisioterapia?

A la hora de describir la fisioterapia, muchos imaginamos técnicas de masaje en el periodo de rehabilitación, tras una lesión, ya sea debida a un accidente o por problemas congénitos. No obstante, la fisioterapia va más allá de unos masajes y relajación de los...
What is physiotherapy?

What is physiotherapy?

When describing physiotherapy, many imagine massage techniques in the rehabilitation period, after an injury, either due to an accident or congenital problems. However, physiotherapy goes beyond massage and relaxation of the muscles to feel better after a specific...
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