What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, which considers the human body to be composed of energy pathways called meridians. When these pathways are blocked or imbalanced, discomfort, illness or disease can result. Inserting needles into specific points on the body helps to stimulate energy flow and restore balance.
Acupuncture is an ancient technique that has been used for centuries in China and other Asian countries. It is believed that this practice can help relieve a wide variety of ailments, from back pain and migraines to stress and anxiety.
The acupuncture process begins with an initial consultation, where the acupuncturist evaluates the patient’s condition and determines the appropriate acupuncture points. These points are located along the meridians of the body and are selected based on the symptoms and location of the discomfort.
Once the acupuncture points have been identified, the acupuncturist proceeds to insert fine needles into the patient’s skin. These needles are much thinner than the needles used in injections and generally do not cause significant pain.
Some patients may experience a tingling sensation or pressure when the needles are inserted, but this is usually temporary and disappears quickly.
Once the needles are in place, the acupuncturist may apply additional techniques, such as rotating or moving the needles, or applying heat or mild electrical current through them. These techniques are used to further stimulate energy flow and promote healing.
Acupuncture points
There are more than 300 acupuncture points in the human body, distributed in different meridians. Each point has its own therapeutic function and is used to treat different conditions.
Some of the most common acupuncture points include Baihui, located on the top of the head and used to relieve stress and anxiety, and Zusanli, located just below the knee and used to treat digestive problems and strengthen the immune system.
Benefits of acupuncture
Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating a wide variety of ailments and conditions. From relieving chronic pain to managing stress and improving sleep quality, acupuncture offers a variety of health and wellness benefits.
One of the main benefits of acupuncture is its ability to stimulate the release of endorphins, known as the happiness hormones. These natural substances reduce pain and promote a feeling of well-being and relaxation.
In addition, acupuncture strengthens the immune system, improves circulation and balances the nervous system, which contributes to the overall health of the body and mind.
Most common injuries treated
Acupuncture can be beneficial for a wide range of injuries and conditions. Some of the most common injuries treated with acupuncture include:
- Muscle sprains and strains.
- Back and neck pain.
- Arthritis and osteoarthritis.
- Migraines and headaches.
- Menstrual pain and premenstrual syndrome.
Does acupuncture generate any pain?
It is common to worry about pain associated with the insertion of acupuncture needles, however, the vast majority of people do not experience significant pain during the session. The needles are so fine that most people feel only a slight pressure or tingling sensation at the time of insertion.
In some cases, there may be some minor discomfort, but this is temporary and usually disappears quickly. If you have any concerns about feeling pain during acupuncture, do not hesitate to let your acupuncturist know so that he or she can tailor the treatment to your needs and pain tolerance.
How long does an acupuncture session last?
The length of an acupuncture session may vary depending on the individual and the condition being treated. However, on average, an acupuncture session lasts between 45 minutes and one hour.
The acupuncturist will take time to talk with you about your symptoms, medical history and goals before beginning treatment. This ensures that the treatment is personalized and focused on your specific needs.
At Estudio Aequus, we offer a wide variety of acupuncture treatments to meet the individual needs of each patient. Our team of highly trained acupuncturists uses both traditional Chinese medicine techniques and the most modern, evidence-based approaches.
We will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific symptoms and conditions. Our goal is to provide you with effective, long-lasting relief and to improve your overall wellness in a comprehensive manner.
Acupuncture needles are key tools in acupuncture treatment. These needles are sterile, stainless steel and extremely thin to minimize any discomfort during insertion.
It is important to note that acupuncture needles are not used to inject substances into the body. Its main function is to stimulate acupuncture points and balance the body’s energy. In the hands of a trained professional, acupuncture needles are safe and provide therapeutic benefits.
Suction cups
In addition to needles, cupping is another technique used in acupuncture. Cupping cups are glass or plastic cups that are placed on the skin and create a vacuum to stimulate blood and energy circulation in the treated area.
These suction cups can be static or mobile, depending on the treatment required. The vacuum created by cupping helps relieve muscle tension, promote the elimination of toxins and improve circulation to the affected area.
Why trust Estudio Aequus?
At Estudio Aequus we are committed to providing quality care to our patients. Our team of acupuncturists has years of experience and expertise in the field of acupuncture.
We strive to create a warm, safe and relaxing environment for you to feel comfortable during your treatments. In addition, we stay up to date on the latest acupuncture research and techniques to ensure you receive the best possible results.
If you are looking for a natural alternative to improve your health and well-being, do not hesitate to contact us at Estudio Aequus and discover how acupuncture can benefit you.